The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Georgii Aleksandrovich Veshchezerskii

Veshchezerskii, Georgii Aleksandrovich


* 18th of January 1897

† 28th of September 1971

(Георгий Александрович Вещезерский)


1941-11-09 Major-General


1937-11-XX 1940-05-XX Commanding Officer 160th Rifle Regiment
1940-05-XX 1940-09-XX Commanding Officer 48th Rifle Regiment
1940-09-XX 1940-10-XX Inspector of Infantry, 8th Army
1940-10-XX 1941-04-XX Senior Assistant Inspector of Infantry, Leningrad Military District
1941-04-XX 1941-07-09 Chief of Combat Training section, Leningrad Military District
1941-07-09 1941-10-01 Commanding Officer 52nd Rifle Division
1941-12-XX 1942-03-XX Commanding Officer Maselska Group
1942-03-XX 1942-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 32nd Army
1942-12-XX 1943-07-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1943-07-02 1943-07-09 Acting Commanding Officer LIII Rifle Corps
1943-08-XX 1943-09-XX Representative of Marshal Zhukov to 63rd & 53rd Armies
1943-09-XX 1945-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXXXVIII Rifle Corps
1945-04-XX 1945-10-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, Volga Military District
1945-10-XX 1946-02-XX Deputy Head of ? Department, Military Transport Academy
1946-02-XX 1947-09-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, Leningrad Military District
1947-09-XX 1948-01-XX Head of Military Department, Leningrad Theatre Institute
1948-01-XX 1956-03-XX Deputy Head of Tactics Faculty, Military Transport Academy
1956-03-XX Retired
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