The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Grigorii Ivanovich Vitkov

Vitkov, Grigorii Ivanovich


* 1902

† 23rd of July 1974


(Григорий Иванович Витков)


1940-04-22 Captain of State Security
1941-06-XX Regiment-Commissar
1942-11-26 Major of State Security
1943-02-14 Colonel of State Security
1944-11-02 Major-General


1940-04-XX 1942-01-11 Deputy Chief of NKVD Special Section, Kharkov Military District
1942-01-11 1942-06-02 Chief of NKVD Special Section, Stalingrad Military District
1942-06-02 Chief of NKVD Special Section, 7th Reserve Army
1943-04-XX Chief of NKVD Special Section, 62nd Army
1943-04-XX 1946-02-XX Chief of Counter-Intelligence Section SMERSH, 8th Guards Army
1946-04-XX 1946-12-XX At disposal of the Kharkov Military District
1946-12-23 1951-10-12 Chief of Counter-Intelligence Section, 8th Mechanised Army
1952-01-XX Retired
Picture source: From: 'Kto rukovodil organami gosbezopasnosti 1941-1954' by N.V. Petrov, 2010