The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Ivanovich Vnukov

Vnukov, Ivan Ivanovich


* 4th of January 1904

† 15th of November 1988

(Иван Иванович Внуков)


1945-04-20 Major-General


1939-03-XX 1941-08-29 Chief of Staff, 104th Mountain Rifle Division
1941-08-29 1942-10-29 Commanding Officer 104th Rifle Division
1942-12-XX 1943-12-31 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1943-12-31 1944-01-07 Chief of Staff, CXIV Rifle Corps
1944-01-07 1944-01-20 Acting Commanding Officer CXIV Rifle Corps
1944-01-15 1946-02-XX Chief of Staff, XXXXV Rifle Corps
1946-02-XX 1946-08-XX Commanding Officer 18th Rifle Division
1946-08-XX 1947-03-XX Chief of Operations Section, 25th Army
1947-03-XX 1947-08-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Land Forces
1947-08-XX 1949-05-XX Chef of Staff, XX Guards Rifle Corps
1949-05-XX 1950-05-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-05-XX Retired
Picture source:Внуков,_Иван_Иванович