The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Jean-Baptiste-Francis-Joseph Voisin

Voisin, Jean-Baptiste-Francis-Joseph


* 30th of July 1884

† 15th of November 1966


1938-12-23 Brigadier-General


1935-10-27 1939-09-02 Chief of Staff to General Condé as Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-09-02 1939-09-11 Chief of Staff, 3rd Army
1939-09-11 1939-11-05 Commanding Officer Artillery, Army Corps G
1939-11-05 1940-07-01 Commanding Officer Artillery, III Corps
1940-07-01 1940-09-01 At disposal
1940-09-01 1940-11-10 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Marseille
1940-11-10 1941-11-01 Assistant General Officer Commanding, 15th Military Division
1941-11-01 1942-01-01 At disposal
1942-01-01 1942-07-30 On leave
1942-07-30 Retired