The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Lieutenant-General David van Voorst Evekink

Voorst Evekink, David van


* 31st of December 1890

† 16th of March 1950


1938-11-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-11-01 Colonel
1943-01-01 Major-General
1948-05-01 Lieutenant-General


1936-03-11 1940-XX-XX Military Attaché to France
1936-03-11 1940-04-01 Military Attaché to Belgium
1939-08-11 Chief of Section B, General Staff
1942-01-06 Commanding Officer Brigade Princess Irene [United Kingdom]
1945-05-29 1947-01-01 Commanding Officer Dutch Troops in Great Britain
1945-10-01 1948-04-22 Military Attaché to United Kingdom
1948-05-01 Retired
Picture source: From "De Tijd : godsdienstig-staatkundig dagblad", 21.03.1936.