The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Herman Francisus Maria Baron van Voorst tot Voorst

Voorst tot Voorst, Herman Francisus Maria Baron van


* 2nd of August 1886

† 9th of July 1971


1934-05-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-11-01 Colonel
1938-11-01 Major-General
1948-05-01 Honorary Lieutenant-General 01.11.34-01.11.36: Commanding Officer Cyclists Regiment


1936-11-01 1939-07-01 Inspector of Cavalry
1936-11-01 1939-07-01 Commanding Officer Light Brigade
1939-07-01 1940-02-03 General Officer Commanding Light Division
1939-07-01 1940-02-03 Inspector of Cavalry & Cyclists
1940-02-06 1950-05-15 Chief of Staff, Army Department
1940-07-24 1945-05-12 Prisoner of War
1945-12-01 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Hans Houterman &