The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vasilii Grigorevich Vorontsov

Vorontsov, Vasilii Grigorevich


* 18th of March 1895

† 30th of April 1978

(Василий Григорьевич Воронцов)


1938-02-22 Kombrig
1939-11-04 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General


1932-05-XX 1935-04-XX Commanding Officer 14th Rifle Regiment
1932-05-XX 1935-04-XX Military Commissar, 14th Rifle Regiment
1935-04-XX 1936-01-XX Assistant Chief of Staff, 37th Rifle Division
1936-01-XX 1938-02-19 Chief of Staff, 37th Rifle Division
1938-02-19 1939-08-18 Commanding Officer 41st Rifle Division
1939-08-18 1941-01-17 Commanding Officer XIV Rifle Corps
1941-04-XX 1941-09-01 Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1941-09-01 1942-02-27 Commanding Officer 375th Rifle Division
1942-02-XX 1943-10-XX Head of Junior Lieutenants' Courses, Kalinin Front
1943-10-XX 1944-04-XX Head of Junior Lieutenants' Courses, 1st Baltic Front
1944-04-XX 1944-05-25 Deputy Commanding Officer II Guards Rifle Corps
1944-05-25 1944-05-28 Acting Commanding Officer II Guards Rifle Corps
1944-05-28 1945-03-24 Deputy Commanding Officer II Guards Rifle Corps
1945-03-24 1945-07-26 Hospitalised
1945-07-26 1945-10-30 Deputy Commanding Officer II Guards Rifle Corps
1945-10-30 1946-10-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-10-XX 1946-11-XX Attached to Frunze Military Academy
1946-11-XX 1955-04-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1955-04-XX Retired
Picture source:Воронцов%2C_Василий_Григорьевич.jpg