The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Soviet Union Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov

Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich

Marshal of Soviet Union

* 4th of February 1881

† 2nd of December 1969

(Климент Ефремович Ворошилов)


1935-11-20 Marshal of Soviet Union


1918-03-XX 1918-04-XX Commanding Officer 1st Lugansk Partisan Socialist Detachment
1918-04-15 1918-07-XX Commanding Officer 5th Army
1918-07-05 1918-10-XX Commanding Officer Don Soviet Republic Forces
1918-08-04 1918-09-23 Member of the Revolutionary Military Council, Northern Caucasian Military District
1918-09-17 1918-10-03 Deputy Commander in Chief Southern Front
1918-09-17 1918-10-03 Member of the Revolutionary Military Council, Southern Front
1918-10-XX 1918-11-XX Commander in Chief Tsaritsyn Front
1918-10-03 1918-12-18 Commanding Officer 10th Army
1918-11-28 1919-01-29 Member of the Provisional Workers' & Peasants' Government of Ukraine
1919-01-29 1919-06-07 People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs, Ukraine SSR
1919-05-10 1919-06-14 Commander in Chief Kharkov Military District
1919-06-04 1919-07-18 Commanding Officer 14th Army
1919-08-XX 1919-10-XX Commander in Chief Ukrainian Internal Front
1919-10-17 1919-11-10 Commanding Officer 61st Rifle Division
1919-11-17 1923-10-26 Member of the Revolutionary Military Council, 1st Cavalry Army
1921-05-04 1924-04-11 Commander in Chief Northern Caucasian Military District
1924-04-11 1925-01-XX Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1924-04-11 1925-01-XX Member of the Revolutionary Military Council
1925-01-26 1925-11-06 Deputy People’s Commissar of Military & Naval Affairs
1925-11-06 1934-06-20 People’s Commissar of Military & Naval Affairs
1934-06-20 1940-05-07 People’s Commissar of Defence
1938-03-13 1940-07-24 Chairman of the Supreme Military Council
1939-11-30 1940-03-12 Commander in Chief Soviet Forces against Finland
1939-12-09 1940-03-12 Member of the High Command
1940-05-07 1944-11-XX Deputy People’s Commissar of Defence
1940-05-07 1946-03-15 Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars
1940-05-07 1940-06-30 Chairman of the Defence Committee, Council of People's Commissars
1940-06-23 1941-07-10 Chairman of the High Command
1941-06-30 1944-11-22 Member of the State Committee for Defence
1941-07-10 1941-08-08 Member of the High Command
1941-07-10 1941-08-29 Commander in Chief Northwestern Theatre
1941-08-08 1945-02-17 Member of the High Command
1941-09-05 1941-09-12 Commander in Chief Leningrad Front
1941-10-12 1942-09-05 Representative of the High Command for Troop Formation
1942-02-15 1942-10-25 Representative of the High Command to Volkhov Front
1942-09-06 1942-11-19 Commander in Chief of the Partisan Movement
1943-05-XX 1943-09-XX Chairman of the Trophy Committee
1944-11-XX 1947-XX-XX Chairman of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary
1946-03-19 1953-03-XX Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers
1953-03-XX 1960-05-XX Chairman of the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of Soviet Union
1960-05-XX 1969-11-10 Member of the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of Soviet Union
Picture source: Courtesy of Auke de Vlieger