The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Takaji Wachi

Wachi, Takaji


* 1st of February 1893

† 30th of October 1978


(わち たかじ)

(Wachi Yoji)


1933-08-01 Lieutenant-Colonl
1937-08-02 Colonel
1940-03-09 Major-General
1943-06-10 Lieutenant-General


1932-08-08 1934-12-10 Resident Officer in Canton [China]
1934-12-10 1935-12-02 Staff Officer, General Staff
1934-12-10 1935-12-02 Instructor at the Military Academy
1935-12-02 1936-08-01 Chief of Taiyuan Special Agency [China]
1936-08-01 1937-08-02 Staff Officer, China Garrison Army
1937-08-02 1938-03-01 Commanding Officer 44th Infantry Regiment [China]
1938-03-01 1938-03-25 Attached to Taiwan Army
1938-03-25 1938-06-XX Attached to the General Staff
1938-06-XX 1939-05-26 Attached to Imperial Headquarters
1938-06-XX 1939-05-26 Chief of Ran Kosaku (Orchid Work) Agency
1939-05-26 1939-09-12 Attached to 21st Army
1939-05-26 1939-09-12 Attached to Central China Expeditionary Army
1939-09-12 1940-11-25 Attached to China Expeditionary Army
1940-11-25 1941-03-01 Attached to the General Staff
1941-03-01 1942-02-20 Chief of Staff, Taiwan Army
1942-02-20 1944-03-22 Chief of Staff, 14th Army [Philippines]
1944-03-22 1944-11-14 Deputy Chief of Staff, Southern Army
1944-11-14 1945-02-20 Chief of Staff, 35th Army [Philippines]
1945-02-20 1945-04-06 Attached to Southern Army
1945-04-06 1945-09-22 Deputy Chief of Staff, Southern Army
1945-08-27 1945-09-02 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Hiroshima
1945-12-XX Retired
1946-01-XX 1948-04-XX Arrested as suspected war criminal
1948-04-XX Condemned to 6 years imprisonment as a war criminal
1950-08-XX Released
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