The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Charles Brian Wainwright

Wainwright, Charles Brian


* 17th of August 1893

† 23rd of October 1968


1939-05-15 Temporary Brigadier


1939-05-15 1940-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Brigade
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Commander Corps Medium Artillery ? Corps
1941-06-05 1941-06-11 Acting General Officer Commanding 51st Division
1941-12-08 1942-XX-XX Brigadier Royal Artillery, Northern Command
1942-XX-XX Commander Royal Artillery 51st Division
1943-XX-XX Commander Royal Artillery 79th Armoured Division
1943-XX-XX Commander Royal Artillery, 59th Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1943-04-14 1943-05-17 General Officer Commanding 54th Division
1943-05-17 1945-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 61st Division
1948-XX-XX Retired