The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General George Peregrine Walsh

Walsh, George Peregrine


* 30th of June 1899

† 1972


1940-XX-XX Instructor at Senior Officers' School Sheerness
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX General Staff Officer 1 ?
1941-XX-XX Special Employment, Middle East
1941-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX General Staff Officer 1 ?, Middle East
1942-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Brigadier General Staff XXX Corps, North Africa
1944-XX-XX Chief of Staff 8th Army, Italy
1944-12-01 1945-08-13 Chief of Staff, Allied Land Forces South-East Asia
1949-XX-XX 1952-XX-XX Director of Weapons & Development, War Office
1954-XX-XX Retired
1954-XX-XX 1960-XX-XX Assistant Controller of Munitions, Ministry of Supply
Picture source: Courtesy of the Kohima Museum