The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Major-General Robert LeGrow Walsh

Walsh, Robert LeGrow


* 25th of July 1894

† 23rd of June 1985



1937-10-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-03-01 Colonel (Temporary)
1941-12-11 Colonel (Army of the United States)
1942-06-21 Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1944-12-01 Colonel
1948-02-19 Brigadier-General (United States Air Force)


1935-09-02 1938-09-08 Chief of the Division, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps
1938-09-XX 1939-XX-XX Attending the Army Industrial College
1939-XX-XX 1940-06-XX Attending the Army War College
1940-07-01 1940-09-07 Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (G-3), General Headquarters Air Force
1940-09-08 1941-06-30 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2), General Headquarters Air Force
1941-07-01 1942-02-01 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2), Air Force Combat Command
1942-02-02 1942-06-02 Assistant Chief of the Air Staff for Intelligence (A-2), Headquarters US Army Air Forces
1942-06-17 1944-05-XX Commanding Officer South Atlantic Wing, Air Transport Command [Brazil]
1942-11-XX 1944-05-20 Commanding General US Army Forces South Atlantic
1944-05-20 1944-11-12 Commanding General Eastern Command, US Strategic Air Forces in Europe [Soviet Union]
1944-05-20 1944-11-12 Member of the US Military Mission to Soviet Union
1944-11-22 1946-11-14 Special Assistant for Latin American Affairs to the Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces
1944-12-23 1946-11-14 US Air Member of the Inter-American Defense Board
1946-11-27 1947-04-16 Commanding General 12th Tactical Air Command [Germany]
1947-04-17 1948-10-07 Assistant Chief of Staff (G-2), US European Command
1947-04-17 1948-10-09 Director of Intelligence, US European Command
1948-12-08 1953-01-21 Air Force Member, US Section, Permanent Joint Canada-United States Board on Defense
1949-05-01 1953-01-21 Member of the Joint Mexico-United States Defense Commission
1950-05-30 1953-01-21 Member of the Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission
1950-05-30 1953-01-21 US Air Force Delegate to the Inter-American Defense Board
1952-07-01 1953-01-22 Director of Continental US Defense Planning Group
1953-01-22 1953-02-01 Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board
1953-02-01 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley