The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Brigadier-General Jerome Jackson Jr. Waters

Waters, Jerome Jackson Jr.


* 30th of July 1891

† 11th of November 1972

(Regular Army)


1940-07-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-12-24 Colonel (Army of the United States)
1942-04-17 Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1946-02-28 Termination of rank Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)


1938-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Instructor at Illinios National Guard
1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer 6th Training Regiment
1942-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 76th Infantry Division
1944-11-XX 1945-05-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, XXXII Corps
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