The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Harry Reginald Bristow Watkins

Watkins, Harry Reginald Bristow


* 1894

† 1965


1940-12-20 Temporary Brigadier


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Instructor at Senior Officers' School Sheerness
1939-XX-XX 1939-11-01 Acting Commanding Officer Heavy Armoured Brigade, Egypt
1939-11-16 1939-12-05 Acting Commanding Officer Heavy Armoured Brigade, Egypt
1940-07-19 1942-02-27 Commanding Officer 1st Army Tank Brigade, North Africa
1942-XX-XX Chief Umpire
1942-08-21 Brigadier Royal Armoured Corps, Eastern Command
1943-06-XX Advisor Royal Armoured Corps, Allied Force Headquarters [North Africa]