The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of General Lashmer Gordon Whistler

Whistler, Lashmer Gordon


* 3rd of September 1898

† 4th of July 1963

(Royal Sussex Regiment)

Nickname: Bolo


1940-02-05 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-05-05 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-07-02 Reverted to Major
1942-08-13 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-09-04 Acting Colonel
1942-09-04 Acting Brigadier
1943-03-04 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-03-04 Temporary Colonel
1943-03-04 Temporary Brigadier
1944-06-22 Acting Major-General
1945-01-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-06-22 War Substantive Colonel
1945-06-22 Temporary Major-General
1946-02-25 Colonel (Dated back to 1945-06-22)
1946-11-11 Acting Lieutenant-General
1946-12-30 Relinquish the Acting rank of Lieutenant-General
1947-02-06 Major-General (Dated back to 1946-04-05)
1951-05-10 Lieutenant-General
1955-07-06 General


1940-02-05 1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer 4th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
1942-03-10 1942-04-01 Acting Commanding Officer 133rd Infantry Brigade
1942-08-24 1942-09-03 Acting Commanding Officer 133rd Infantry Brigade [North Africa]
1942-09-04 1942-11-26 Commanding Officer 132nd Infantry Brigade [North Africa]
1942-11-29 1943-07-14 Commanding Officer 131st Lorried Brigade [North Africa]
1943-07-26 1944-01-28 Commanding Officer 131st Lorried Brigade [North Africa - Italy]
1944-01-28 1944-06-22 Commanding Officer 160th Infantry Brigade
1944-06-23 1945-01-22 General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1945-02-25 1946-12-XX General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1947-02-03 1947-08-15 Major-General, British Troops in India
1947-08-15 1948-02-28 General Officer Commanding British Troops in India & Pakistan
1948-06-01 1950-05-09 General Officer Commanding Sudan Defence Force
1950-06-02 1951-03-14 General Officer Commanding 50th Infantry Division
1950-06-02 1951-03-14 District Officer Commanding Northumbrian District
1951-05-10 1953-11-24 General Officer Commanding in Chief West Africa Command
1953-12-01 1963-07-04 Colonel, Royal Sussex Regiment
1953-12-07 1957-01-07 General Officer Commanding in Chief Western Command
1957-02-04 Retired
1957-12-03 Chairman of the Committee on the New Army
1958-05-31 1960-08-01 Colonel-Commandant, Royal West African Frontier Force
1959-09-17 Honorary Colonel, Royal Nigerian Military Forces
1959-10-12 Honorary Colonel, Royal Sierra Leone Military Forces
Picture source: NPG x190820, National Portrait Gallery, London