The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of General Roger Cochrane Wilson

Wilson, Roger Cochrane


* 26th of December 1882

† 5th of February 1966

(Mahratta Light Infantry)

(Indian Army)


1917-09-11 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-06-03 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1920-12-11 Colonel
1926-02-25 Temporary Colonel-Commandant
1928-06-01 Temporary Brigadier
1929-06-19 Major-General
1937-05-15 Lieutenant-General
1940-04-01 General


1917-09-11 Assistant Adjutant-General, Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force
1921-11-24 Assistant Adjutant-General, Iraq Expeditionary Force
1921-12-02 1922-02-19 Assistant Director of Auxiliary & Territorial Force, Southern Command India
1922-02-20 1926-02-19 General Staff Officer 1, Eastern Command [India]
1926-02-20 1926-02-24 Unemployed
1926-02-25 1930-02-24 Commanding Officer Manzai Brigade [India]
1930-02-25 1930-05-08 Unemployed
1930-10-05 1931-09-13 Unemployed
1931-09-30 1934-10-30 Commandant of Staff College Quetta [India]
1932-02-18 1948-09-01 Colonel, 5th Royal Battalion, Mahratta Light Infantry
1934-10-31 1936-05-01 District Officer Commanding Rawalpindi District [India]
1936-05-22 1937-09-30 Secretary of Military Department, Indian Office
1937-10-14 1941-XX-XX Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters India
1940-06-06 1941-05-15 Aide-de-Camp General to the King
1941-05-15 Retired
Picture source: NPG x153014, National Portrait Gallery, London