The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Thomas John Willoughby Winterton

Winterton, Thomas John Willoughby


* 13th of April 1898

† 14th of December 1987


1941-02-03 Acting Brigadier
1942-04-01 Acting Major-General


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Instructor at Staff College Camberley
1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Assistant Quartermaster-General British Expeditionary Force [France]
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Chief Instructor at Staff College Camberley
1941-02-03 1942-XX-XX Brigadier General Staff, South Eastern Command
1942-XX-XX Major-General General Staff Burma Army
1942-06-17 1943-XX-XX Deputy Chief General Staff, Army Headquarters India
1943-11-16 1944-02-15 Commanding Officer 123rd Indian Brigade, Burma
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Brigade, Italy
1945-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Deputy Head Allied Commission for Austria
1950-XX-XX British High Commissioner Austria
1950-XX-XX Commander in Chief British Troops Austria
1951-XX-XX 1954-XX-XX Military-Governor of Trieste
1955-XX-XX Retired
1955-09-15 Colonel, Oxfordshire & Buckingshire Light Infantry
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley