The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-General Gustave Worms

Worms, Gustave


* 8th of September 1882

† 9th of December 1943


1928-06-24 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-09-24 Medical-Colonel
1936-05-28 Medical-General


1920-XX-XX 1932-10-22 Professor a École d'Application du Service de Sanité Militaire
1932-10-22 1936-09-01 Chief Medical Officer, Bégin Military Hospital
1936-09-01 1937-10-15 Director of Medical Services, 1st Military Region
1937-10-15 1939-02-02 Director of École du Service de Santé Militaire
1938-XX-XX Director of Instructive Military Hospital Desgenettets
1939-02-02 1939-09-02 Director of École d'Application du Service de Sanité Militaire
1939-09-02 1939-12-08 Director of Medical Services, General Headquarters
1939-12-08 1940-07-05 Director of Medical Services, 4th Army
1940-07-05 1940-09-08 Director of Medical Services, 7th Military Region
1940-09-08 Retired
1942-02-10 Dismissed from the Army
1944-10-30 Posthumously reinstated in the Army (Dated back to 1942-02-10)
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