The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Wu Qiying

Wu Qiying


* 1900

† January 1946



1936-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Regiment, 67th Division
1937-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 474th Brigade, 158th Division, 65th Army, 12th Army Group
1938-XX-XX Graduates from Special Class, Army College
1938-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer 474th Brigade, 158th Division, 65th Army
Commanding Officer 158th Division, 65th Army
1940-05-XX 1943-02-XX Chief of Staff, 158th Division, 65th Army
1943-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Nanrenyu Defence Area, Guangdong
1946-01-XX Killed in an accident