The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kōzō Yagi

Yagi, Kōzō


* 17th of October 1891

† 10th of June 1962


(やぎ こうぞう)


1937-11-01 Colonel
1940-12-02 Major-General
1945-04-30 Lieutenant-General


1933-05-18 1938-12-10 Instructor at the War College
1933-05-18 1938-12-10 Instructor at the Army Intendancy School
1938-12-10 1939-08-01 Chief of 10th Section, Army Special Aviation Bureau, Ministry of War
1939-08-01 1940-08-08 Chief of Intendancy Section, 2nd Air Group
1940-08-08 1942-08-01 Chief of Intendancy Section, 11th Army
1942-08-01 1945-04-30 Chief of Intendancy Section, 2nd Air Army
1945-04-30 1945-05-01 In reserve
1945-05-01 Retired