The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Kakuichi Yamamoto

Yamamoto, Kakuichi


* 15th of December 1875


(やまもと かくいち)


1916-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1919-04-15 Colonel
1923-08-06 Major-General
1928-08-10 Lieutenant-General


1915-11-18 1916-08-18 Attached to the General Staff
1916-08-18 1917-08-06 Attached to 49th Infantry Regiment
1917-08-06 1918-04-24 Staff Officer, Korean Garrison Army
1918-07-24 1919-12-01 Staff Officer, Chosen Army [Korea]
1919-12-01 1922-08-15 Commanding Officer 39th Infantry Regiment
1922-08-15 1923-08-06 Chief of Staff, 5th Division
1923-08-06 1925-12-02 Commanding Officer 18th Infantry Brigade
1925-12-02 1927-07-26 Attached to the Inspectorate-General of Military Training
1927-07-26 1928-08-10 Commandant of Toyama Army School
1928-08-10 1930-08-01 Commandant of the Army Infantry School
1930-08-01 1933-03-18 General Officer Commanding 16th Division
1933-08-18 In reserve