The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Yan Renyi

Yan Renyi


* 15th of March 1893

† 1952



1927-05-XX Colonel (Post rank)
1928-03-XX Major-General (Post rank)
1929-12-03 Lieutenant-General (Post rank)
1936-03-18 Major-General


1927-05-XX 1928-03-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Regiment, 1st Division, 36th Army
1928-03-XX 1928-11-19 Acting Commanding Officer 1st Division, 36th Army, 4th Army Group
1928-11-19 1929-01-20 Commanding Officer 28th Brigade, 10th Provisional Division, 4th Army Group
1929-01-20 1929-12-03 Commanding Officer 157th Brigade, 53rd Division, 4th Army Group
1929-12-03 1930-01-14 Commanding Officer 1st Division, 8th Army, National Salvation Army
1930-01-14 1930-06-01 Unemployed
1930-06-01 1931-06-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Independent Division, 1st Field Army
1931-06-XX 1936-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 24th Division, 7th Army
1931-06-XX 1931-09-XX Commanding Officer 71st Regiment, 24th Division, 7th Army
1936-06-XX 1936-09-XX Commanding Officer 24th Division, 7th Army
1936-09-XX 1937-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 19th Division
1937-03-XX 1937-10-XX Senior Staff Officer, 5th Route Army
1937-10-XX 1938-11-10 Senior Staff Officer, 21st Army Group
1938-11-10 1940-03-XX Chief of Northern Administration Officer, Anhui Provincial Government
1940-03-XX 1941-01-XX Senior Staff Officer, 5th War Area
1941-01-XX Retired
1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer Hengyang-Binxuan Garrison Command
1949-05-XX 1949-10-11 Commanding Officer 7th New Army
1949-12-07 Captured by the People's Liberation Army
1949-12-07 1952-03-XX Imprisoned
1952-03-XX Condemned to death as Counter-Revolutionary
1952-03-XX Executed