The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Yang Hu

Yang Hu


* 1889

† 1966



1936-01-24 Lieutenant-General


1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Chief of Intelligence Department, General Headquarters
1927-XX-XX 1928-XX-XX Commanding Officer Shanghai Garrison Command
1928-XX-XX 1931-XX-XX Attached to Recruiting Headquarters
1931-XX-XX 1932-XX-XX Member of the Control Yuan
1932-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Chief of Shanghai Security Department
1935-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Member of the Control Yuan
1937-XX-XX Commanding Officer Songhu Garrison Command
1937-XX-XX Removed
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Member of the Control Yuan
1948-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Member of the Control Yuan
1958-XX-XX Arrested by the Communist Government
1958-XX-XX 1966-XX-XX Imprisoned
1966-XX-XX Died in prison
Picture source: Courtesy of Tom Chan