The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Hakaru Yano

Yano, Hakaru


* 27th of March 1887

† 10th of February 1992

(矢野 機)

(やの はかる)


1925-08-07 Lieutenant-Colonel
1929-08-01 Colonel
1934-03-05 Major-General
1940-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1925-08-07 1925-12-25 Aide-de-Camp to the Crown Prince
1925-08-07 1930-03-06 Secretary of the Supreme War Council
1925-12-25 1930-03-06 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1930-03-06 1931-03-11 Chief of General Affairs Branch, Inspectorate-General of Military Training
1931-03-11 1932-04-11 Commanding Officer 6th Infantry Regiment
1932-04-11 1933-03-18 Instructor at the Army Infantry School
1933-03-18 1934-03-05 Attached to Chosen Army [Korea]
1934-03-05 1934-12-26 Commanding Officer 8th Infantry Brigade
1934-12-26 1935-12-02 Attached to the Military Police (Kempeitai), Kwantung Army
1935-12-02 1936-08-01 Head of General Affairs Bureau, Military Police (Kempeitai) Headquarters
1936-08-01 1937-03-01 Attached to 3rd Division
1937-03-01 Retired
1939-08-07 Recalled
1939-08-07 1940-12-25 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1940-12-25 Retired
1944-10-02 Recalled
1944-10-02 1945-08-30 Commandant of the Army Infantry School
1945-08-30 Retired