The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Ye Ting

Ye Ting


* 1896

† 8th of April 1946



1921-XX-XX 1922-XX-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, Guard Regiment, Generalissimo's Headquarters, Guangzhou
1924-XX-XX 1925-XX-XX Studies in the USSR
1925-XX-XX Chief of Staff Section, 4th Army
1925-XX-XX Commanding Officer 36th Regiment, 12th Division, 4th Army
1925-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer Independent Regiment, 4th Army
1927-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 25th Division, 4th Army
1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 24th Division, 11th Army
1927-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 11th Army
1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 11th Army, Nanchang
1927-XX-XX 1928-XX-XX Commander in Chief Guangzhou Workers' & Peasants' Red Army,
1928-XX-XX Goes into Exile
1937-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Commanding Officer 4th (Communist) New Army
1940-XX-XX Captured by the Nationalist Army
1946-XX-XX Released
1946-04-08 Died in an air crash
Picture source: Courtesy of Jon Zhou