The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Tatsuzō Yokosuka

Yokosuka, Tatsuzō


* 25th of April 1880

† 23rd of July 1956


(よこすか たつぞう)


1923-03-17 Colonel
1928-03-08 Major-General
1932-08-08 Lieutenant-General


1920-08-10 1922-10-15 Commanding Officer 13th Transport Battalion
1922-10-15 1924-02-04 Commanding Officer 15th Transport Battalion
1924-02-04 1928-03-08 Commanding Officer Imperial Guards Transport Battalion
1928-03-08 1929-03-16 Attached to the Inspectorate of Transportation
1929-03-16 1932-12-07 Inspector of Transportation
1932-12-07 1932-12-24 In reserve
1932-12-24 Retired