The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Eiichirō Yoshino

Yoshino, Eiichirō


* 4th of March 1887

† 31st of May 1960


(よしの えいいちろう)


1932-08-08 Colonel
1937-08-02 Major-General


1932-08-08 1934-03-05 Commanding Officer Sendai Regimental District
1934-03-05 1936-03-07 Commanding Officer 74th Infantry Regiment
1936-03-07 1937-08-02 Attached to 4th Division
1937-08-02 1937-08-22 In reserve
1937-08-22 Retired
1945-02-22 Recalled
1945-02-22 1945-09-XX Chief of Military Manpower Section, Tokai Army District