The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service Konstantin Alekseevich Zadorozhnyi

Zadorozhnyi, Konstantin Alekseevich

Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service

* 20th of May 1897

† 1st of February 1964

(Константин Алексеевич Задорожный)


1945-07-09 Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service


1937-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Director of Novokramatorsk Machine Factory
1941-11-XX 1942-08-XX Director of Stalingrad Tractor Factory
1942-08-XX 1945-09-XX Director of Tank Factory 174
1945-09-XX 1945-11-XX Member of the Reparation Commission in Japan
1946-XX-XX Deputy People's Commissar of Railways
1948-07-01 Deputy Minister of Railways for Locomotive & Wagon Repair
1957-XX-XX Retired
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