The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Stepan Paramonovich Zatulei

Zatulei, Stepan Paramonovich


* 28th of December 1896

† 9th of April 1953

(Степан Парамонович Затулей)


1945-07-01 Major-General


1938-06-XX 1939-06-XX Commanding Officer 121st Mountain Rifle Regiment
1939-06-XX 1940-06-XX Commanding Officer 189th Mountain Rifle Regiment
1940-06-XX 1941-11-XX Senior Instructor at Stalingrad Military-Political School
1941-11-XX 1942-02-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 16th Separate Rifle Brigade
1942-02-XX 1942-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 242nd Rifle Division
1942-03-XX 1943-01-XX Commandant of Krasnodarsk Machine Gun & Mortar School
1943-01-XX 1943-02-XX Acting Commanding Officer 36th Mechanized Brigade
1943-02-XX 1943-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 16th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-03-XX 1943-12-15 Commanding Officer 9th Guards Mechanized Brigade
1943-12-15 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Mechanised Brigade
1945-09-XX 1946-07-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Mechanised Regiment
1946-07-XX Retired