The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Commissar Mark Nikanorovich Zelenkov

Zelenkov, Mark Nikanorovich


* 1895

† 1985

(Марк Никанорович Зеленков)


1939-09-25 Brigade-Commissar
1940-03-20 Division-Commissar


1939-10-XX 1940-01-XX Deputy Chief of the Political Section, Kiev Special Military District
1940-01-XX 1940-07-XX Chief of the Political Section, Northwestern Front
1940-06-XX 1941-06-13 Member of the Military Council, 12th Army
1941-06-13 1941-12-13 Member of the Military Council, 7th Army
1941-11-09 1941-12-13 Member of the Military Council, 4th Army
1941-12-13 1942-02-11 Member of the Military Council, Volkhov Front
1942-02-11 1942-04-29 Member of the Military Council, 2nd Shock Army