The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Zhang Hanchu

Zhang Hanchu


* 1902

† 1977


(Chang Han-chu)


1939-06-17 Major-General


1930-XX-XX 1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Reserve Regiment, Independent Brigade, 4th Division
1933-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Commanding Officer 150th Regiment, 75th Brigade, 25th Division
1937-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer 75th Brigade, 25th Division, 52nd Army
1938-05-XX 1941-05-XX Commanding Officer 25th Division, 52nd Army
1941-05-XX 1947-05-XX Chief of Staff, 9th Army Group
1947-05-XX 1948-03-03 Commanding Officer 24th Brigade, 76th Division
1948-03-03 Captured by the People's Liberation Army