The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Zhou Aoshan

Zhou Aoshan


* 1884

† 1959



1920-XX-XX 1923-XX-XX Administrative Aide to Commanding Officer 2nd Brigade, Hunan Army
1923-XX-XX 1924-XX-XX Advisor, Generalissimo's Headquarters, Guangzhou
1924-XX-XX 1925-XX-XX Assistant Commissioner for Opium Control, Guangdong
1925-XX-XX 1926-XX-XX Secretary to the Inspector-General of the Northwestern Border
1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Chief of Martial Law Executive Section, Advanced Command Post, Northern Expedition Army
1927-XX-XX 1929-XX-XX Director of Martial Law Executive Department
1929-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Member of the Military Advisory Council
1937-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Chief of Transportation Section, Capital Defence Command
1938-XX-XX Advisor, Hunan Provincial Government
1949-XX-XX Joins the People's Republic
1950-XX-XX Advisor, Hunan Provincial People's Government