The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Zhou Jimin

Zhou Jimin


* 1893

† 1951



1926-03-XX Lieutenant-Colonel (Post rank)
1927-08-XX Colonel (Post rank)
1927-12-XX Major-General (Post rank)
1939-01-XX Lieutenant-General (Post rank)


1926-03-XX 1926-07-XX Instructor at Huangpu (Whampoa) Military Academy
1926-07-XX 1927-01-XX Staff Officer, Army Headquarters
1927-01-XX 1927-08-XX Commanding Officer Special Duties Battalion, Advanced Headquarters, Eastern Route Army
1927-08-XX 1927-12-XX Commanding Officer Special Duties Regiment, Shanghai Garrison Command
1927-12-XX 1929-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 38th Division
1927-12-XX 1929-03-XX Commanding Officer 5th Regiment, 38th Division
1929-03-XX 1932-10-XX Attending the Command & General Staff School [USA]
1932-12-20 1933-02-27 Senior Staff Officer, General Staff
1933-02-27 1933-12-26 Chief of 4th Branch, 2nd Office, General Staff
1933-12-26 1937-02-XX Military Attaché to USA
1937-02-XX 1938-02-XX Chief of Military Service Section, Hunan Military Service Area
1938-02-XX 1939-01-XX Chief of Staff, Hunan Army Control Area
1939-01-XX 1945-06-XX Deputy Chief of Cadre Training Corps, 9th War Area
1945-06-XX 1947-01-02 Senior Counsellor, Hunan Provincial Government
1951-XX-XX Condemned to death as Counter-Revolutionary
1951-XX-XX Executed