The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Zhou Kaicheng

Zhou Kaicheng


* 1906



1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Regiment, 1st Honour Division, 8th Army [Burma]
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Honour Division, 8th Army
1946-XX-XX Commanding Officer Independent Brigade, 8th Army
1946-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Commanding Officer 4th Garrison Brigade
1947-XX-XX 1948-XX-XX Commanding Officer 42nd Division, 8th Army
1948-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 8th Army
1948-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer 8th Army
1949-XX-XX Captured by the People's Liberation Army
1949-XX-XX 1975-XX-XX Imprisoned
1975-XX-XX Released
Advisor, Hubei Provincial People's Government