The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Zhou Maoseng

Zhou Maoseng


* 1896

† 1961



1946-07-31 Major-General


1927-XX-XX Political Officer, Wuhan Branch School, Central Military Academy
Chief of the Political Section, 37th Division, 29th Army
Director of Chongqing Office, Southwest Guerrilla Cadre Training School
Director of Chongqing Office, 32nd Army Group
1946-XX-XX Retired
1947-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Underground agent for the Communists
1950-XX-XX Advisor, Hunan Provincial People's Government
1958-XX-XX Branded as right-winger
1961-XX-XX Released from status of right-winger
1979-XX-XX Rehabilitated