The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Zhou Zhi

Zhou Zhi


* 1890

† 1953



1936-01-31 Major-General


1925-XX-XX 1926-XX-XX Commanding Officer Independent Regiment, 2nd Column, Eastern Expedition Army
1926-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 42nd Regiment, 14th Division, 1st Army
1927-XX-XX 1928-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 14th Division, 1st Army
1931-XX-XX 1938-XX-XX Member of the Military Advisory Council
1938-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Chief of Recruiting Section, Guangdong Army Area
1940-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 12th Army Group
1940-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Chief of Staff Section, 7th War Area
1942-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 7th War Area
1945-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Chief of Recruiting & Supply Sub-Station, 12th Army Group
1947-XX-XX Retired
1949-XX-XX Advisor, Guangdong Provincial Government
1953-XX-XX Condemned to death as Counter-Revolutionary
1953-XX-XX Executed
1985-XX-XX Rehabilitated