The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Georgii Andreevich Zhukov

Zhukov, Georgii Andreevich


* 4th of April 1904

† 22nd of September 1975

(Георгий Андреевич Жуков)


1943-09-01 Major-General


1939-12-XX Commanding Officer 1st NKVD Border Troops Detachment
1942-02-XX Commanding Officer 101st NKVD Border Troops Regiment
1942-02-XX 1942-07-XX Commanding Officer 23rd Murmansk Fortified Area
1942-07-XX 1942-10-30 Commanding Officer Northern Defence Line
1942-10-30 1944-09-24 Commanding Officer 104th Rifle Division
1944-09-28 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer CXXVII Mountain Rifle Corps
1945-09-XX 1946-05-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-05-XX 1947-03-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-03-XX 1949-04-XX Chief of Staff, XXIX Rifle Corps
1949-04-XX 1950-11-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Kiev Military District
1949-04-XX 1950-11-XX Chief of Operations Section, Kiev Military District
1950-11-XX 1953-09-XX First Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Separate Red Banner Army
1950-11-XX 1953-09-XX Chief of Staff, 1st Separate Red Banner Army
1953-09-XX 1957-09-XX Senior Military Adviser to the Albanian Army
1957-09-XX 1959-08-XX Head of Military Department, Lvov State Institute of Physical Culture
1959-08-XX Retired
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