The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aleksei Georgievich Zhuravlev

Zhuravlev, Aleksei Georgievich


* 22nd of February 1905

† 30th of July 1989

(Алексей Георгиевич Журавлев)


1942-12-05 Colonel
1944-05-29 Major-General


1941-08-14 1941-08-20 Chief of the Political Section, II Rifle Corps
1941-08-23 1941-10-28 Chief of the Political Section, 50th Army
1941-10-28 1942-01-10 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-01-12 1943-02-02 Chief of the Political Section, 29th Army
1943-02-02 1944-04-25 Chief of the Political Section, 1st Tank Army
1944-04-25 1945-05-09 Member of the Military Council, 1st Guards Tank Army
1945-05-XX 1948-04-XX Chief of the Political Section, 1st Guards Tank Army
1948-04-XX 1951-02-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Baltic Military District
1951-02-XX 1953-06-XX Chief of the Political Section, Senior Tank Officers' Technical School
1953-06-XX 1955-XX-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1960-06-23 Retired
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