The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Artillery Daniil Arsentevich Zhuravlev

Zhuravlev, Daniil Arsentevich

Colonel-General of Artillery

* 25th of December 1900

† 6th of September 1974

(Даниил Арсентьевич Журавлев)


1938-02-28 Colonel
1939-10-29 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Artillery
1941-10-28 Lieutenant-General of Artillery
1944-11-18 Colonel-General of Artillery


1937-11-XX 1938-03-XX Commandant of Leningrad 2nd Artillery School
1938-03-XX 1941-05-23 Commandant of Ryazansk Artillery School
1941-05-23 1941-11-19 Commanding Officer I Air Defence Corps
1941-11-19 1943-03-29 Commanding Officer Moscow Air Defence Corps Area
1942-10-05 1943-06-29 Commander in Chief Moscow Air Defence Front
1943-07-07 1944-12-24 Commanding Officer Moscow Special Air Defence Army
1944-12-24 1945-05-20 Commander in Chief Western Air Defence Front
1945-12-XX 1946-05-XX Commander in Chief Western Air Defence District
1946-05-XX 1948-01-XX First Assistant Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1948-01-XX 1948-11-XX Commander in Chief Northwestern Air Defence District
1950-07-XX Commanding Officer Air Surveillance, Air Warning & Signal Troops
1950-07-XX Head Air Surveillance, Air Warning & Signal Troops Directorate, Air Defence Forces
1951-XX-XX Commanding Officer Radio Engineering, Air Warning & Signal Troops
1954-08-10 Retired
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