The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Terentevich Ziablitsyn

Ziablitsyn, Nikolai Terentevich


* 16th of May 1904

† 14th of April 1961

(Николай Терентьевич Зяблицын)

(Nikolai Terentevich Ziablitsin)

(Николай Терентьевич Зяблицин)


1942-12-05 Colonel
1943-11-23 Major-General


1942-06-19 1943-01-31 Chief of the Political Section, 57th Army
1943-02-01 1943-03-16 Chief of the Political Section, 68th Army
1943-05-29 1943-11-12 Chief of the Political Section, 44th Army
1943-11-12 1945-03-28 Chief of the Political Section, 51st Army
1956-03-30 Retired
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