The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Commissar Iosif Isaevich Zilbert

Zilbert, Iosif Isaevich


* 1899

† 15th of April 1939

(Иосиф Исаевич Зильберт)


1935-11-23 Division-Commissar


1926-11-XX 1927-02-XX Deputy Chief of 4th Section, 4th Directorate, General Staff
1927-02-XX 1931-07-XX At disposal of Intelligence Directorate, Staff of the Red Army
1931-07-XX 1932-08-XX Deputy Chief of 3rd Section, 4th Directorate, General Staff
1932-08-XX 1935-01-XX Head of Air Force Scientific-Research Institute
1935-01-XX 1938-02-XX At disposal of Command & Staff Directorate, General Staff
1938-02-XX 1938-09-XX At disposal of Intelligence Directorate, General Staff
1938-09-19 1939-04-14 Arrested
1939-04-14 Condemned to death
1939-04-15 Executed
1957-06-27 Rehabilitated
Picture source:Зильберт,_Иосиф_Исаевич