The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Konstantin Nikolaevich Zimin

Zimin, Konstantin Nikolaevich


* 24th of July 1901

† 7th of July 1944

(Константин Николаевич Зимин)


1936-01-31 Division-Commissar
1939-02-09 Corps-Commissar
1942-12-06 Lieutenant-General


1937-08-XX 1937-11-XX Military Commissar, VII Mechanised Corps
1937-11-XX 1937-12-XX Chief of the Political Section, Northern Caucasian Military District
1937-12-XX 1939-03-27 Member of the Military Council, Northern Caucasian Military District
1939-03-27 1941-02-17 Member of the Military Council, 1st Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1939-12-XX 1940-03-XX Member of the Military Council, 8th Army [Finland]
1941-05-25 1941-09-15 Member of the Military Council, Transbaikal Military District
1941-09-15 1944-07-07 Member of the Military Council, Transbaikal Front
1944-07-07 Died of illness
Picture source:Зимин,_Константин_Николаевич