The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Fedor Ivanovich Zinovev

Zinovev, Fedor Ivanovich


* 5th of May 1901

† 24th of March 1981

(Федор Иванович Зиновьев)


1945-04-19 Major-General


1938-01-XX 1940-08-XX Military Commissar, Combat Training Directorate
1940-08-XX 1941-05-24 Deputy Head for Political Affairs, Combat Training Directorate
1941-05-24 1941-06-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs, Kiev Special Military District
1941-06-XX 1941-08-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs, Southwestern Front
1941-08-XX 1943-01-18 Behind enemy lines, captured twice but escaped
1943-01-18 1943-03-17 Attached to 1st Guards Army
1943-03-17 1943-04-27 Senior Assistant Chief of Operations Section, 3rd Tank Army
1943-04-27 1943-07-29 Senior Assistant Chief of Operations Section, 57th Army
1943-07-29 1943-09-10 Chief of Combat Training Section, 57th Army
1943-09-10 1943-11-06 Commanding Officer 1310th Rifle Regiment
1943-11-06 1943-11-18 Chief of Staff, 73rd Guards Rifle Division
1944-11-18 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer 74th Rifle Division
1946-08-XX 1948-04-XX Chief of Staff, 48th Rifle Division
1948-04-XX 1950-12-XX Chief of Staff, 33rd Guards Mechanised Division
1950-12-XX 1953-11-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, Separate Mechanised Army
1953-11-XX 1954-07-10 Assistant Commanding Officer for Infantry, Separate Mechanised Army
1954-07-10 Retired
Picture source:Зиновьев,_Фёдор_Иванович