The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komdiv Ivan Zinovevich Zinovev

Zinovev, Ivan Zinovevich


* August 1892

† 17th of June 1938

(Иван Зиновьевич Зиновьев)


1935-11-20 Komdiv


1923-09-XX 1924-05-XX Commanding Officer 28th Mountain Rifle Division
1924-05-XX 1926-09-XX Chief of Operations Section, Northern Caucasian Military District
1926-09-XX 1927-11-XX Deputy Chief of 1st Section, 1st Directorate, General Staff
1927-11-XX 1930-01-XX Chief of Staff, III Rifle Corps
1930-01-XX 1930-07-XX Chief of 3rd Section, Moscow Military District
1930-07-XX 1931-11-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Moscow Military District
1931-11-XX 1935-01-XX Head of 2nd Directorate, General Staff
1935-01-XX 1937-12-20 Chief of Staff, Siberian Military District
1937-12-20 1938-06-17 Arrested
1938-06-17 Condemned to death
1938-06-17 Executed
1957-08-01 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko