The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Veniamin Mikhailovich Zlobin

Zlobin, Veniamin Mikhailovich


* 1st of October 1898

† 18th of July 1952

(Вениамин Михайлович Злобин)


1939-02-17 Kombrig
1939-11-04 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1925-01-XX 1929-03-XX Chief of Staff, 4th Separate Cavalry Brigade
1929-03-XX 1934-09-XX Chief of Staff, III Cavalry Corps
1934-09-XX 1938-11-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1938-11-XX 1939-09-XX Chief of 1st Section, Kiev Special Military District
1939-09-XX Chief of 1st Section, Ukrainian Front
1939-09-XX 1940-01-XX Chief of 1st Section, Kiev Special Military District
1940-01-XX 1940-03-XX Chief of Operations Section, Northwestern Front
1940-03-XX 1940-06-XX Chief of Operations Section, Kiev Special Military District
1940-06-XX 1940-11-XX Adjutant to the People's Commissar of Defence
1940-11-XX 1941-01-14 Senior Adjutant-General to the People's Commissar of Defence
1941-01-14 1941-06-22 Chief of Staff, Northern Caucasian Military District
1941-06-XX Chief of Staff, 19th Army
1941-06-XX 1941-06-30 Head of Operations Directorate, General Staff
1941-06-30 1941-08-01 Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1941-08-XX 1942-10-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Siberian Military District
1942-10-05 1943-03-14 Chief of Staff, Northwestern Front
1943-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Head of Operational Art Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1946-XX-XX Deputy Chief Editor the Journal "Military Thoughts"
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