The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Senior Major of State Security Andrei Semenovich Zodelava

Zodelava, Andrei Semenovich

Senior Major of State Security

* 5th of August 1905

† 5th of November 1942


(Андрей Семенович Зоделава)


1937-03-19 Captain of State Security
1939-01-28 Major of State Security
1940-03-14 Senior Major of State Security


1936-12-XX 1937-03-17 Chief of 9th Section, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Georgia SSR
1937-03-17 1937-07-27 Deputy Chief of 5th Section, State Security Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD, Georgia SSR
1937-07-27 1938-09-XX Chief of NKVD Transport Section, Transcaucasian Railway
1938-09-XX 1939-01-17 Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Georgia SSR
1939-01-17 1941-02-26 People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, North Ossetic ASSR
1941-02-26 1941-07-30 People's Commissar of State Security, North Ossetic ASSR 31.07.41-05.11.42: People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, North Ossetic ASSR
1942-11-05 Killed in Action
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