The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Valentin Vasilevich Zolotukhin

Zolotukhin, Valentin Vasilevich


* 7th of August 1907

† 26th of May 1976

(Валентин Васильевич Золотухин)


1944-07-28 Major-General
1961-05-09 Lieutenant-General


1944-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Chief of Organisation-Instruction Section, Main Political Directorate
1947-XX-XX 1950-XX-XX Head of Personnel Directorate, Rear Service
1950-XX-XX Deputy Head of the Political Directorate, Ground Forces
1950-XX-XX 1952-12-XX Head of the Political Directorate Moscow Military District
1950-10-XX 1953-04-XX Deputy Head of the Department for Selection & Appointments of Personnel, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1953-XX-XX Deputy Head of the Department for Administration & Trading-Financial Organisations, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1954-XX-XX First Deputy Head of the Department for Administration & Trading-Financial Organisations, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1954-XX-XX Deputy Head of the Department for Administration, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1957-XX-XX First Deputy Head of the Department for Administration, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1957-XX-XX Head of the Department for Administration, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1957-XX-XX 1960-XX-XX First Deputy Head of the Department for Administration, Central Committee of the Communist Party
1960-XX-XX 1962-XX-XX Member of the Military Council, Leningrad Military District
1960-XX-XX 1962-XX-XX Head of the Political Directorate, Leningrad Military District
1962-XX-XX Secretary of the Communist Party, Military Engineering Academy
1968-02-28 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin