The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komkor Zhan Frantsevich Zonberg

Zonberg, Zhan Frantsevich


* 11th of August 1891

† 1st of September 1938

(Жан Францевич Зонберг)


1935-11-20 Komkor


1919-10-XX 1919-12-XX Commanding Officer 4th Rifle Brigade
1919-12-XX 1920-06-XX Commanding Officer 122nd Rifle Brigade
1920-06-XX 1921-01-XX Commanding Officer 41st Rifle Division
1921-01-XX 1921-07-XX Commanding Officer 41st Separate Rifle Brigade
1921-07-XX 1923-XX-XX Commanding Officer 25th Rifle Division
1923-XX-XX 1924-05-XX Attending the Military Academy
1924-05-XX 1924-10-XX Commanding Officer 20th Rifle Division
1924-10-XX 1925-01-XX Assistant Commanding Officer I Rifle Corps
1925-01-XX 1925-05-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Kazan Rifle Division
1925-05-XX 1930-03-XX Commanding Officer VI Rifle Corps
1925-05-XX 1930-03-XX Military Commissar, VI Rifle Corps
1930-03-XX 1932-05-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Belorussian Military District
1932-05-XX 1933-08-XX Commandant of the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1932-05-XX 1933-08-XX Military Commissar, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1933-08-XX 1934-12-XX At disposal of the People's Commissar of Defence
1934-12-XX 1937-11-29 Inspector of Military Works, Society for Assistance to Defence, Aviation & Chemical Construction
1937-11-29 1938-09-01 Arrested
1938-09-01 Condemned to death
1938-09-01 Executed
1956-06-30 Rehabilitated
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