The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Medical Services Aleksei Mikhailovich Zotov

Zotov, Aleksei Mikhailovich

Major-General of Medical Services

* 14th of March 1905

† 6th of January 1976

(Алексей Михайлович Зотов)


1943-05-12 Major-General of Medical Services


1937-09-XX 1938-11-XX Chief of Sanitary Section, Red Banner Baltic Fleet
1938-11-XX 1940-07-XX Deputy Head of Navy Department, 1st Leningrad Medical Institute
1940-07-XX 1941-01-XX Deputy Commandant of the Naval Medical Academy
1941-01-XX 1941-06-XX Attached to Naval Medical Academy
1941-06-XX 1941-08-XX Consultant, Medical Directorate, Navy
1941-09-XX 1941-12-XX Attached to Inspection, Pacific Fleet
1942-01-XX 1947-12-XX Chief of Medical Services, Black Sea Fleet
1947-12-XX 1956-09-XX Commandant of the Naval Medical Academy
1956-09-XX 1957-08-XX Head of Institute No. 17, Navy
1957-08-XX 1961-04-XX Head of 4th Directorate, Central Research Institute
1961-04-XX 1965-06-XX Head of 1st Institute, Navy
1965-06-XX Retired
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