The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Konstantin Terentevich Zubkov

Zubkov, Konstantin Terentevich


* 4th of November 1899

† 1946

(Константин Терентьевич Зубков)


1940-09-19 Brigade-Commissar
1943-01-20 Colonel


1940-XX-XX Acting Deputy Commandant for Political Affairs, Proskurovsk Small Arms & Machine-Gun School
1942-01-27 1942-10-09 Military Commissar, 284th Rifle Division
1942-10-09 1943-03-01 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 284th Rifle Division
1943-03-01 1943-06-16 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 79th Guards Rifle Division
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